Klonopin Rehab at Laguna Shores Recovery

At Laguna Shores Recovery our Klonopin rehab is tailored to help those who have struggled with addiction to prescription medication. Our Mission Viejo addiction treatment program is designed to support the patient with a specialized plan customized to their individual needs. Our goal for every patient is to provide them the tools and skills that will lead to lasting recovery.

Klonopin is the brand name for the 38th most prescribed drug in the United States in 2017.​​​1 Sold under the generic name clonazepam, it is classified as a benzodiazepine. Benzodiazepines are used to treat many different conditions due to their sedative and hypnotic effects. Doctors prescribe Klonopin to treat anxiety, insomnia or seizures.​​​2

People also obtain the drug illegally. In 2011, DAWN (Drug Abuse Warning Network) reported that over 61,000 people were admitted to hospital emergency rooms because of bad reactions during recreational clonazepam use.​​​3 Two of the most commonly seen drug abuse-related emergency room cases involved opiate and opioid pain medications and benzodiazepines.

Brief History of Klonopin

Clonazepam was patented in 1960.​​​4 Under the brand name Klonopin, the drug went on sale in 1975 in the United States by a drug company called Roche. Its generic form is now available.

Since 1975, it has been a top selling drug year after year. In 1997, it was approved in the United States for the treatment of epilepsy. More than 20 million prescriptions are filled every year for Klonopin and clonazepam.​​​5

Other Names

Klonopin and its generic counterpart clonazepam also have street names. Street names are used to disguise the true nature of what is being discussed. Knowing street names can help loved ones be informed about the substances someone is using.

Slang or street names include:

Super Valium

Klonopin Use and Abuse

What is Klonopin Used to Treat?

The exact way Klonopin works is unknown, but it has anti-seizure and anti-panic properties.

  • Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (petit mal variant)
  • Absence seizures (petit mal)
  • Akinetic seizures
  • Myoclonic seizures
  • Unexpected panic attacks
  • Worries about future panic attacks
  • Frets over the consequences of the attacks
  • Significant changes in their behavior related to panic attacks

Klonopin Abuse

People misuse or abuse Klonopin by taking larger doses than prescribed. Some also abuse it by taking it more frequently than prescribed. This results in a heightened sense of calm. Misuse or abuse can also produce a sense of euphoria. Following this high, a fuzzy, tipsy daze occurs.

Side Effects

Once swallowed, it is quickly and completely absorbed by the body. Side effects and behavioral issues are associated with Klonopin that limits its usefulness.

The most common side effect is drowsiness.

Neurological Side Effects

Clonazepam can lead to neurological issues including:

Abnormal eye movement
Slurred speech


Psychiatric Side Effects

Psychiatric side effects include:

Sex drive changes


Cognitive Side Effects

Side effects that involve ability to get factual information include:

Reduced Academic Ability
Slow Reaction Time

Memory Problems
Faulty Judgement

Additional Concerns

Don’t stop or reduce taking Klonopin on your own. Talk to your doctor. Also use caution concerning driving or operating machinery until you know how the drug affects you.


Withdrawal symptoms can happen when Klonopin is stopped or the dosage is reduced. The symptoms can include:

Tension: Tension and irritability, especially in the first several weeks.

Headache: Headaches, which can range between migraine strength to mild, are common.

Sleeplessness: It is typical to have a hard time falling or staying asleep in the early stages of withdrawal.

Serious Symptoms of Withdrawal

Serious symptoms of withdrawal can occur in some cases. More serious withdrawal symptoms may be experiences by people who have been:

  • Taking high doses
  • Taking the drug over a long period
  • Abusing other drugs or alcohol while taking Klonopin
  • Struggling with other mental health disorders

Serious symptoms of withdrawal include:

Sudden shaking can occur.

Happening only in rare cases, seeing things that are not there can happen during withdrawal.

High anxiety and stress can cause hostile reactions.

Nausea and stomach pain are common the first few weeks.

Heavy sweating can occur during the day. Night sweats can happen during sleep.

Dizzy and feeling off balance are common, short-term side effects.

Feeling very tired and a lack of motivation during withdrawal  are common.

Confusion from poor cognitive functioning can happen during the first few weeks.

Without Klonopin, people suffering from anxiety can see an increase.

Depressed feelings are a common withdrawal symptom.

There is the possibility of developing more seizures when they stop taking the drug. This is especially true if they stop taking it too quickly.

Thoughts of suicide from depression can happen during withdrawal. Depression can lead to hopelessness and suicidal thoughts. Talk to your doctor if you feel suicidal.

Misconception: It’s a Prescription, So It’s Safe

Many people believe since it is a prescribed drug, there are no risks. If the drug is taken as prescribed, that is mostly true. However, misusing clonazepam can be harmful and possibly fatal.

Tolerance for clonazepam is another risk. Tolerance is where more is needed to feel the same previous effects. Tolerance can develop in just a few weeks, even if it is being taken as prescribed.

Treatment For Klonopin Use Disorder

For people who have been taking high doses of Klonopin for long periods of time, a detox may be needed. A detox safely and slowly weans the body off Klonopin. Replacement medications are given for conditions that Klonopin was treating. Though a detox may be necessary, it is not a standalone treatment.

Some individuals will enter outpatient treatment to continue their recovery journey. Others will need a more structured, highly supervised residential rehab setting. People struggling with addiction are provided individual and group therapy to address and resolve issues related to addiction.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a Klonopin addiction or dependency, seek professional help. Talk with your doctor or a reputable treatment center. With the right help, the pain and suffering of addiction can end. A rewarding and revitalized life is possible through recovery.

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