Ecstasy Use and Abuse:
Prevalence, Risks, and Addiction Treatment
How Does Ecstasy Work?
Serotonin regulates your memory and perceptions while dopamine, the feel-good chemical, enhances feelings of satisfaction and pleasure. Noradrenaline stimulates the brain and causes a surge of energy. The combined effect is you experience high energy levels, increased empathy, and enhanced feelings of wellbeing.

There are three types of MDMA products on the market:
- Tablets that contain little or no MDMA but similar molecules such as MDA (3, 4-Methylenedioxy amphetamine) or PMA (para-methoxyamphetamine).
- Tablets that contain high amounts of MDMA
- Ecstasy, which is available in powder and crystalline forms. One tablet of this drug typically contains 100mg of MDMA.
MDMA products are often adulterated with other substances. These include methamphetamine, ketamine, caffeine, and ephedrine. Some products may also contain heroin, OTC cough medications, phencyclidine (PCP), and cocaine.
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Growing Use in America
Molly Vs. Ecstasy: Are They The Same?
Users believe that Molly is the purer form of the drug. However, this is not true in many cases. For example, many products marketed as Molly contain substances used in bath salts. Thus, users who believe they are using a pure drug may be taking unknown substances.
Is Molly Addictive?
Scientists do not know if Molly is addictive. What you buy as Molly may contain little to no MDMA. Besides, some products may contain other substances that may be addictive. The DEA has categorized all forms of MDMA (including Molly) as Schedule I controlled substances. Schedule I controlled substances have high abuse potential but no approved medical use.
Is Ecstasy Addictive?
Few studies have noted that the addiction potential may be lower than that of opioids, cocaine, and alcohol. Nevertheless, some users have reported withdrawal symptoms suggesting dependence. MDMA may be addictive but to a lesser extent than opioids, cocaine, and alcohol. Besides, adulterants in ecstasy may be the cause of addiction in many cases.
There is limited evidence to support that this type of drug is addictive. Few studies have noted that the abuse potential may be lower than that of opioids, cocaine, and alcohol. Nevertheless, some users have reported withdrawal symptoms suggesting dependence. The adulterants may be the cause of addiction rather than MDMA.
What Other Names Does Ecstasy Go By?
- E
- X
- Pills
- Rolls
- E-tarts
- Go
- Speed for Lovers
- Love Drug
- Hug Drug
- Scooby Snacks
On the market, the drug is available under the following brand names:
- Armanis
- Mercedes
- Mitsubishis
- Ferraris
- Volkswagons
- Red Devils
- Blue Nikes
- 007s
- Playboys
- Yin Yangs
- Batmans
- Supermans
- Rolexes
- Pokemons
- Red Stop Signs
- Buddhas
- Butterflies
- X-Files
- White Diamonds
How is Ecstasy Used?
Most users swallow tablets or capsules. Some may insert a tablet or capsule into the rectum. This is known as “plugging” or “shafting.” There have also been reports of “parachuting” the pills. Parachuting involves swallowing a piece of a napkin that is laced with the powdered drug. Occasionally, some users may snort or smoke powder. Rarely, some inject a solution of the drug.
Many users take it with alcohol and tobacco to enhance the effects. Other substances most commonly used with ecstasy include marijuana, cocaine, GHB, and ketamine.
Ecstasy Abuse Effects
Effects on the body can include:
- Increased heart rate
- Rapid breathing
- Excessive sweating
- Nausea
- Decreased appetite
- Increased blood pressure
- Dehydration
- Teeth grinding
- Increased energy levels
Effects on the brain can include:
- A heightened sense of well-being
- Increased feelings of love, peacefulness, and acceptance
- Increased sex drive
- Anxiety
- Lowered inhibitions
- Impaired judgment
- Increased sociability, intimacy, and empathy
- Increased alertness
- Hallucinations
- Loss of sleep
- Irritability
Sometimes, anxiety may cause panic attacks and delirium. Abusing this type of drug for 2 years or more can cause many long-term effects. These could include depression and problems with memory or learning.
Talk to your doctor if you notice any of the signs of ecstasy abuse in someone you love.
Long Term Side Effects
- Mental confusion
- Aggression
- Difficulty remembering things
- Restlessness
- Sleep problems
- Irritability
- Severe dehydration
- Kidney damage
- Depression
- Severe anxiety
- Impulsive behavior
- High blood pressure
- Stiff muscles
- Fuzzy thinking
- Liver damage
Ecstasy use during pregnancy can harm the baby. Using the drug during the first 3 months of pregnancy can cause low birth weight, learning problems, and impaired movement. The effects of drug use during the later months of pregnancy are not clear.
How Long Does The High Last?
Hallucinations usually last 3 to 5 hours after use. That said, other side effects might last several days.
How Long Does Ecstasy Stay in Your System?
Generally, the greater the amount of a drug, the longer it is likely to stay in your system. For example, if you take multiple doses, the drug may be detectable for up to five days or even longer.
The half-life of a drug is the time it takes to clear half of the drug present from your bloodstream. The half-life is about 8 hours. Generally, a drug is no longer detectable after five half-lives. This means a drug test may not show ecstasy in a blood sample 40 hours after ingestion.
Method of Drug Testing
Urine Sample
Urine tests can give positive results one to three days after the last dose.
Blood Sample
Detectable quantities of ecstasy may be present in a blood sample one to two days after the last dose. The drug is detectable within 15 to 30 minutes after you ingest it.
Saliva Sample
A saliva sample contains detectable quantities of the drug one to two days after the last dose. Typically, it takes no longer than 15 minutes for the drug to appear in your saliva after you swallow it.
Hair Sample
Hair testing can give positive results up to three months after you take the drug.
Health Risks of Ecstasy Abuse
Ecstasy overdose can cause death. Sadly, it is hard to pinpoint the lethal dose. However, even a small increase in the dose can cause potentially fatal effects. Death from an overdose may occur due to:
- A rapid heartbeat that may cause a heart attack
- Heatstroke (hyperthermia) that may cause the failure of vital organs
- Severe dehydration
- A sharp decrease in blood levels of sodium (hyponatremia)
- A rapid heartbeat that may cause a heart attack
- Heatstroke (hyperthermia) that may cause the failure of vital organs
- Severe dehydration
- A sharp decrease in blood levels of sodium (hyponatremia)
MDMA is used recreationally by an estimated 20 million people globally in 2021, outside of legal clinical settings. In the U.S., national surveys estimate that at least once, 7.5 percent of Americans aged 12 and over have tried Ecstasy.
MDMA is generally viewed as one of the less harmful illicit substances. However, using it outside of a clinical setting can still pose risks.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, there were an estimated 3,211 MDMA-related emergency room visits in the United States in 2021.
Although deaths related to MDMA do occur, they are much less common than those caused by various legal and illegal drugs, including alcohol and cocaine, according to Matthew Johnson, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
It is challenging to distinguish the impact of a specific drug from others, including fatal consequences, as numerous individuals classified as ‘drug-involved’ have multiple drugs present in their system at the time of death.
Symptoms of Overdose
- Fainting
- Dizziness
- Anxiety
- High body temperature
- Sweating
- Chest pain
- Breathing problems
- Seizures
- Muscle pain
- Dehydration
- Pain in the stomach
- Problems with vision
- High blood pressure
- Hallucinations
- Shaking
- Rapid shallow breathing
- Involuntary movement of the eye
- Increased pupil size
- Restlessness
Call 911 if you think an overdose has occurred.
You can also contact Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222
Overdose Treatment
Treatments can include:
Chemical Imbalance in the Brain
Does Ecstasy Help People with PTSD?
Researchers are working to find if ecstasy can help people with PTSD and social anxiety. Most notably, it has attained a “breakthrough” therapy designation from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A breakthrough drug has significant superiority over existing treatments for serious disorders (including PTSD) in early clinical studies.
In a recent study, researchers found that compared to only talk therapy, a combination of ecstasy and talk therapy improved the symptoms of PTSD. The drug is ready for entering the final trial for approval. If the final trials show positive results, the drug will likely receive an FDA approval for PTSD treatment in 2021.
How is Ecstasy Abuse and Addiction Treated?
- The American Journal on Addictions. The Variety of Ecstasy/MDMA Users: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.
- World Drug Report 2019. Stimulants.
- Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Is ecstasy a drug of dependence?
- University of Maryland. Center for Substance Abuse Research. Ecstasy.
- Substance Use and Misuse. Self-Reported Ecstasy/MDMA/”Molly” Use in a Sample of Nightclub and Dance Festival Attendees in New York City.
- Frontiers in Psychiatry. A Review of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-Assisted Psychotherapy.
- University of Rochester Medical Center. MDMA Drug Screen (Urine).
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).