Meth Rehab Center in California

The use of meth is on the rise, so knowing the risks and treatment options is more critical than ever. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reported that in 2022, over two million individuals ages 12 and older used methamphetamine annually, and about 500 individuals tried meth for the first time each day. In some areas of the United States, meth use is even more dangerous than opioid abuse and contributes most to violent crime.

While meth addiction statistics in the United States have remained relatively stable in recent years, the use of these synthetically manufactured drugs continues to pose a problem. Apart from the risks associated with producing and consuming meth, the process of withdrawal can be excruciatingly painful and extremely challenging.

The addictive nature of drugs like meth stems from the desire of users to avoid the trademark withdrawal symptoms linked to them. This is why undergoing the detox and recovery journey alone can be incredibly arduous and typically necessitates professional assistance.

If you are prepared to break free from the grip that meth has had on your life, you will discover the necessary support to overcome withdrawal at Laguna Shores’ meth addiction treatment center in Orange County, California. Our dedicated and empathetic staff are trained to address and combat the effects and hazards of crystal meth use specifically, although we also handle cases involving other forms of methamphetamine use.

Methamphetamine, also known as “meth,” is a highly addictive and dangerous street drug that falls into the same category as cocaine. This type of drug is classified as a powerful and highly addictive stimulant that impacts an individual’s central nervous system, meaning it speeds up processes within the brain and body. This system is responsible for controlling essential body functions, making stimulant drug abuse even more dangerous. It is also referred to by various other names, such as chalk, tweak, crank, redneck cocaine, bennies, crystal meth, hot ice, or quartz.

Individuals consume meth in different ways, including swallowing it as a pill, smoking, injecting it intravenously, or snorting it. Depending on its chemical structure, it can appear as small crystals or a bitter, pink, or beige powder.

Why is Meth Dangerous and Addictive?

Meth produces a stimulant effect, resulting in a high that keeps users awake and active, which is a stark contrast to other drugs that typically induce a relaxed and sleepy state. Unlike natural plant extracts like cocaine, one of the major risks associated with meth is that it is synthetic, manufactured using various chemicals. These chemicals are highly toxic to the body, causing physical health damage, addiction, and other mental illnesses.

Once it reaches an individual’s bloodstream, the fast-acting effects take hold; this can cause them to take larger quantities more frequently as their tolerance and dependence on the drug increases.

At Laguna Shores Recovery, we offer substance use disorder treatment programs and addiction counseling while also addressing underlying risk factors such as mental illness. Our meth addiction treatment program offers customized, evidence-based, and holistic therapies that help our clients recover from drug abuse and take back control of their lives.

Signs and Symptoms of Meth Addiction

Meth addiction can have a devastating impact on both the individual and their entire family. While many are aware of the effects on teeth and the sensation of itchiness, these are just a few of the severe symptoms experienced by meth users. Individuals addicted to meth often display extreme weight loss, hyperactivity, increased aggression, insomnia, and irritability. Long-term use can lead to health issues such as irregular heartbeat, stroke, high blood pressure, and damage to vital organs like the liver, kidneys, and lungs.

It is important to recognize that drug addiction does not only affect the individual but also has a profound impact on their family. In addition to the physical effects of meth use, those struggling with addiction may exhibit behavior that is unimaginable to their loved ones. Their focus becomes solely on obtaining the next high, often leading them to take drastic measures. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for individuals battling meth addiction to prioritize drugs over financial responsibilities or neglect their parental duties.

After first taking meth regardless of the reason why, an individual can become addicted very quickly. Signs that you or a loved one may be struggling with meth addiction may include:

  • Increased anxiety and depression
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Psychosis
  • Changes in behavior and mood irregularities
  • Intense drug cravings when not using
  • Inability to resist the use of meth, despite harm being done to the body and relationships

Recognizing the signs of drug and alcohol addiction is imperative to overcoming this disease. Without treatment the dangerous cycle of addiction is deadly. It will wreak havoc on all aspects of a person’s life, including physically, psychologically, socially, and financially.

Laguna Shores Recovery in Orange County, California provides the necessary treatment resources and care to help individuals who are struggling to overcome the challenges of addiction and mental health.

Causes and Risk Factors of Meth Addiction

The Drug Policy Alliance has reported that nearly 11 million Americans have experimented with methamphetamine at some point. While not all individuals who try it become addicted, the risk of addiction is present from the first use. The appeal of meth lies in its euphoric effects, making users feel uplifted and energized. These sensations are a major factor driving teenagers and young adults to try it. Another reason for the popularity of meth, especially crystal meth, is its long-lasting effects, with some users claiming they can last up to 12 hours. Meth addiction risk factors include:

  • Genetics
  • Environment
  • History of substance use
  • Underlying mental health issues

Additionally, meth is perceived as a more affordable option compared to other drugs. The consumption of any foreign substances poses a threat to brain and organ health. Meth, in particular, can cause severe and lasting damage to brain function, resulting in issues with memory, learning, and information retention. Furthermore, research indicates that long-term meth use can lead to emotional disturbances and difficulties in performing physical tasks.

The consumption of methamphetamine leads to a surge in dopamine levels in the brain, inducing intense feelings of joy and pleasure. This euphoric sensation is highly addictive, driving individuals to seek out the drug repeatedly to experience it again.

Due to the rapid onset and decline of the drug’s effects, individuals often engage in a cycle of bingeing and crashing. Some may even go on extended binges, consuming meth every few hours for days on end without eating or sleeping.

Nevertheless, prolonged drug abuse can harm the dopamine-producing brain cells, making it increasingly challenging to attain the desired high. Consequently, individuals may resort to more frequent dosing, higher quantities, or altering their administration methods to maintain the same level of euphoria.

How Does Meth Affect the Brain and Body?

Like other substances, methamphetamines pose a challenge as frequent use leads to a higher tolerance, requiring addicts to consume larger amounts to experience the initial effects. The brain forms a connection between meth use and elevated dopamine levels, leading to an increased craving for the drug to maintain feelings of euphoria, vigor, and control. This pattern can result in abuse and dependency, while also raising the likelihood of overdose, with potentially fatal outcomes.

An individual feels the euphoric effects of meth the moment it hits their bloodstream. This feeling of being high stems from an increased level of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that sends messages to the body like movement, motivation, and reward. It’s often called the “feel-good chemical” or “happy hormone” because of the pleasure it produces.

Once the stimulant wears off, and meth use is halted, an individual is likely to crash from its inebriating effects, causing a deep sleep for days after consumption. When this happens, serotonin and dopamine are depleted, creating intense anxiety and depression.

Effects and Withdrawal Signs of Meth

The pattern of crystal meth consumption and its consequences involve intense peaks and valleys. The duration of its “rush” is significantly longer than that of cocaine, causing immense strain on both the mind and body. While under the influence of crystal meth, sleep is unlikely, the heart rate escalates rapidly, and the mind is filled with ambitious thoughts and ideas, often leading to a false sense of grandeur. As previously stated, the cycle of meth use results in escalating doses as the drug’s effects diminish.

Following a frenzied, ever-increasing spiral that may involve psychosis and hallucinations, there comes the crash, resulting in complete exhaustion, depression, and lethargy as the mind and body attempt to recuperate from the harm caused by meth addiction. These sensations are so overpowering that an addict will go to great lengths to avoid experiencing them, which entails consuming more and more meth to sustain the euphoria. The short-term and long-term effects of drug abuse include:

Short-Term Effects of Meth Abuse

Taking meth in any amount will leave its user experiencing short-term side effects, which quickly turn into long-term side effects over continued and chronic use. Short-term side effects of meth abuse include:

  • Feelings of exhilaration
  • A skewed judgment that can lead to poor decision-making
  • Risky or unsafe behaviors
  • Excessive confidence
  • Increased alertness
  • High energy levels
  • Restlessness
  • Rapid or rambling speech
  • Increased physical activity and movement
  • Dilated pupils
  • Rapid breathing
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Raised body temperature
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of appetite
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Paranoia
  • Feelings of depression as the high wears off
  • Irritability or mood swings
  • Hallucinations or delusions
  • Unpredictable, aggressive, or violent behavior

Long-Term Effects of Meth Abuse

When taken over long periods in higher doses, this substance leaves harmful and sometimes fatal long-term physiological effects on the body. Additionally, tolerance and dependence build over time to deadly doses. The long-term side effects of substance abuse include, but are not limited to:

  • Dependency that leads to addiction
  • Changes in the structure and functioning of the brain can cause permanent brain damage.
  • High blood pressure or heart damage, which can lead to a heart attack, stroke, or death
  • Damage to other vital organs such as the lung, liver, or kidney

Regrettably, this concise list fails to encompass the full extent of the devastation that an addict may endure, both in terms of physical and mental health. The intensity of these repercussions may differ, but they are typically profound and can pose significant obstacles to an addict’s capacity to engage in regular daily activities. Additional side effects of meth abuse include:

  • Changes in the brain’s dopamine system, impair verbal learning and coordination.
  • Changes in the brain structure, impair emotional and cognitive functioning, which can result in confusion, trouble with decision-making, learning difficulties, or memory problems.
  • Symptoms of psychosis, including mood disturbances, hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, or violent behavior
  • Anxiety, depression, or difficulties with emotional regulation
  • Severe itching, which can cause open sores on the skin due to scratching (Sensation of phantom bugs)
  • Severe dental issues, known as meth mouth
  • Premature osteoporosis
  • Extreme weight loss
  • Insomnia
  • Increased risk of infections like HIV and hepatitis, which are transmitted via bodily fluids due to practices such as sharing needles

Even with appropriate drug addiction treatment for methamphetamine, many of the long-term effects do not go away. Chronic use leads to physical and chemical changes in brain structure that impair cognitive, emotional, and physiological functioning.

Risk of Meth Overdose

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were an estimated 107,543 drug overdose deaths in the United States in 2023, a number that continues to rise each year. Mixing meth with other substances, particularly synthetic opioids like fentanyl, increases the risk of overdose, as these combinations can lead to severe symptoms, suicidal thoughts, or worse death.

Laguna Shores Recovery is working with the state of California to help find comprehensive care strategies to prevent relapse and drug overdoses through techniques such as having a continuing care plan including ongoing counseling involving contingency management, support groups, family therapy, and more.

Why Seek Addiction Treatment at Laguna Shores Recovery?

When examining the list, one may question the necessity of seeking treatment for meth addiction due to the daunting prospect of withdrawal. However, it is important to understand that while withdrawal symptoms can be severe initially, they will eventually diminish. Once this occurs, individuals can regain their ability to function and think clearly, eventually returning to a normal life. The thought of undergoing meth treatment may be intimidating, but the consequences of remaining addicted to meth are far more frightening.

Methamphetamine abuse can have fatal outcomes, such as heart attacks, strokes, or organ failure in cases of overdose. Even without an overdose, meth use can lead to impaired decision-making, resulting in strained relationships, job loss, or legal troubles. If you have not reached this point in your addiction yet, it is crucial to seek help before it is too late. When you are prepared to take back control of your life from drug addiction, it is essential to address more than just physical dependence.

A substance use disorder can have detrimental effects on various aspects of a person’s life, including cognitive function, dental health, cardiovascular health, and mental well-being. It can also create challenges in work, school, and relationships, and increase the risk of contracting infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.

Meth Addiction Treatment

Without appropriate treatment for methamphetamine addiction, the outcome can be fatal. Thankfully our Orange County rehab center specializes in comprehensive holistic, and evidence-based drug addiction treatment.

It is crucial to promptly seek treatment if you or a loved one is struggling with meth addiction. Evidence-based treatments are available to assist in leading a drug-free life. During the detoxification process, which involves abstaining from the drug, withdrawal symptoms like fatigue, severe depression, anxiety, psychosis, and intense cravings may be experienced. While there are currently no FDA-approved medications for stimulant use disorder, a recent study indicated that the combination of naltrexone and bupropion during medication-assisted treatment (MAT) or detox was both safe and effective in treating adults with moderate or severe methamphetamine use disorder.

Treatment and recovery from meth addiction begins with medical detox under medical supervision. Here, withdrawal symptoms can be managed and made as comfortable as possible before treatment. Many individuals enter residential treatment after medically supervised detox or outpatient treatment, depending on the severity of a person’s circumstance and their unique needs.

Not all treatment programs and residential rehab centers are created the same. Treatment at Laguna Shores Recovery not only offers comprehensive, evidence-based, and holistic treatment programs but is also customized to meet the specific needs of each individual who enters our facility.

Various therapies and programs are employed to meet their individual needs, goals, and place in recovery. Common treatment methods found in inpatient treatment centers include:

Inpatient treatment is a suitable choice for individuals with severe substance use disorders, those who have a history of addiction for an extended period, or those who have not been successful in maintaining recovery with outpatient care.

This type of care is generally less rigorous than outpatient programs. However, a potential drawback is the possibility of encountering triggers and distractions during treatment, which could hinder the recovery process.5

Behavioral therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, are the most effective in treating meth addiction. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps individuals recognize triggers for drug use and develop coping mechanisms to address them. CBT is a type of therapy where individuals learn to identify problematic thought patterns leading to mental health disorders and how to change the core beliefs they have about themselves, others, and the world.

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a type of therapy where individuals learn healthy coping mechanisms for managing stressful situations and emotions.

Individual therapy is conducted with trained clinicians and helps clients in reaching their goals and overcoming addiction and mental disorders.

Group therapy is where individuals are guided in a group setting by a therapist and get to learn from and be supported by the healing power of the community.

Experiential therapies involve mind-body treatments, such as yoga, meditation, or adventure therapies.

Life skills in recovery include adulting 101 courses anywhere from learning to manage finances, how to practice self-care, and building job skills.

12-step programs are peer-run community and support systems, like Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous (AA and NA).

Continuing Care After Meth Rehab

Each individual has a unique narrative regarding their journey into meth addiction. Furthermore, the requirements of each individual upon entering a rehabilitation program can differ significantly. Despite potential differences in treatment plans, the consensus among most experts is that recovery is a gradual process.

It is not a quick fix or an achievement that can be attained within a week or two of sobriety. If you are genuinely committed to overcoming your meth addiction, you will need to engage in the recovery process daily for the remainder of your life. Yes, this may seem daunting. However, it does not mean that you will spend the rest of your life in a meth addiction treatment facility.

The key to successfully overcoming drug addiction and maintaining long-term sobriety often lies in the individual’s dedication to long-term support and care. At Laguna Shores Recovery, we take pride in providing ongoing care even after you have completed your residency at our Orange County facility. Through our aftercare program, you will receive the necessary assistance and encouragement as you transition from our comprehensive treatment center back to your routine. Other substance addictions addressed at Laguna Shores Recovery include:

If you or a loved one is grappling with substance abuse issues or co-occurring disorders, it is crucial to seek professional help. Reach out to Laguna Shores to discover how our holistic recovery approach and serene environment can guide you toward a sustainable recovery.

Find Help for Meth Addiction at Laguna Shores Recovery in California

You might feel inclined to handle it on your own, but based on our experience, overcoming meth addiction requires professional assistance to break the cycle and heal the entire family. Laguna Shores Recovery, located in Orange County, CA, and the surrounding areas, provides top-notch addiction services for men and women. People from all over the world come to our facility to reclaim their lives from addiction. Our treatment center offers an integrated recovery model to address the complete individual. Addiction affects every aspect of a person’s life, not just their physical health.

At Laguna Shores, we understand that addiction recovery is a long process, and long-term support is crucial for success. As you recover from meth addiction, our aftercare services continue to support you in your local community and reinforce the strategies you learned during treatment.

Our services cover all aspects of recovery, including physical, mental, and social well-being. The integrated recovery model incorporates healing techniques that utilize an individual’s unique strengths alongside behavioral therapy. Our personalized treatment plans include therapeutic activities and the development of skills needed to live a happy, substance-free life.

Recovery from methamphetamine addiction is possible with the appropriate, evidence-based, and holistic substance abuse treatment. We believe that recovery from addiction is an ongoing process and doesn’t just stop once treatment is over. Therefore, our addiction treatment programs extend beyond our California facility to provide aftercare services to clients to help them stay on track.

If you or someone you care about is dealing with a meth or crystal meth addiction, contact our meth addiction treatment center today to start your path to recovery.

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