Addiction Therapy Services in Orange County, CA
Substance abuse treatment programs should account for the fact that addiction is a complex disease. It also affects people in different ways, depending on various factors. So, treating addiction with an individualized approach is undoubtedly necessary to ensure a successful addiction recovery. For this reason, Laguna Shores Recovery provides various types of drug abuse therapy services. We strive to meet people where they are as they pursue an addiction-free life. Thankfully, we can do this with the help of drug and alcohol addiction therapy programs.
What is Psychotherapy?
- Discover what led to the development of addiction in their lives
- Learn how to manage the symptoms of mental illness
- Develop healthy coping skills
Alcohol and drug addiction therapy services can help people to develop a plan for their recovery and maintain the right mindset throughout the journey.
Laguna Shores Recovery Addiction Therapies
Individual Therapy
Individual counseling sessions involve one therapist and one recovering individual. This one-on-one setting creates a safe space for people to freely discuss their challenges and victories as they work through recovery.
Group Therapy
Group therapies are known to reduce isolation and increase success. We are living examples of the benefits of the AA lifestyle. Eight hours of clinical work is provided per day once you enter Residential treatment, including psychoeducational and 12-step groups to support your sobriety through building relationships while you are here.
Family Therapy
When a person suffers from a substance use disorder, their family also suffers. Family counseling helps support the family members of those who are struggling with addiction. These family therapy sessions provide a safe space for family members to discuss the effects of their loved one’s drug or alcohol addiction. Families can also learn more about how to avoid enabling behaviors and how best to support their recovering loved ones.
Be Brave. Get Help.
“Why didn’t they teach THIS in school?”
Through our life skills groups, we make sure you have a grasp on the practical skills necessary to live your best life. Educational and vocational skills are the most requested topics, however, we tailor classes to what you want to know, so you are prepared to handle the things that sober adulthood throws at you.
Skills workshops include:
- Vocational skills
- Nutritional counseling
- Budgeting
- Housekeeping
- Family communication
Experiential Therapy
We believe experiential therapy pushes boundaries and opens horizons to a new way to live. By organizing fun activities, we provide opportunities for you to experience things that you might not otherwise try. We offer a variety of field trips and unique experiences to keep your recovery worth it.
Experiences include but are not limited to:
- Museum field trips
- Float tanks
- Outdoor adventures
- Exploring downtown Los Angeles
- Professional sports games
- Aerial skills classes
- Ropes courses
- Zip lining
- Yoga
- Equine therapy
- Beach trips
By making sobriety enjoyable, you can take your experience home for a lasting motivation to integrate into your life.
Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Addiction and Mental Health Disorders
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
We utilize cognitive behavioral therapy, commonly referred to as CBT, to help our clients apply logic and reason to their lives, and to see how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors influence each other. Cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in treating mental health disorders (such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD) in addition to substance use disorders.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
Dialectical behavioral therapy, or DBT, is a type of CBT that focuses on mindfulness and gaining control over patterns of behavior. This form of therapy is most helpful to those who experience intense emotional reactions or impulsive behaviors. Those suffering from borderline personality disorder or sexual trauma find DBT particularly beneficial.
Existential Therapy
This type of psychotherapy for addiction revolves around the themes of freedom and responsibility. Many individuals who suffer from addiction struggle with ideas of meaninglessness, suffering, and loneliness. The more we learn about taking responsibility for our decisions, the more freedom we feel to pursue a life of fulfillment. Existential therapy can help those with a mental health or substance use disorder find purpose and meaning as they overcome their obstacles.
Benefits of Psychotherapy for Addiction and Mental Health
- Relapse prevention skill development
- Development of coping skills
- Interpersonal development
- Self-discovery
- Accountability
Therapy can help people build healthy habits and develop a healthy lifestyle. Also, group therapy can connect people with others who are going through the same journey, enabling individuals to form lasting bonds with their peers. Therapy also complements other addiction treatment options and programs, such as outpatient treatment and residential rehab. This allows people to get the most out of the rehabilitation experience.
Receive Treatment and Therapy at Laguna Shores Recovery
If you or someone you care about needs help fighting substance abuse, our team can assist. At Laguna Shores Recovery, you can receive group therapy, individual counseling, and other treatment modalities. With our assistance, you can break free from your mental health challenges and substance use disorder. Just reach out to our admissions team and begin your journey to recovery today.