Drug Rehab Near Long Beach

Long Beach is a vibrant coastal city in Los Angeles County, California, known for its bustling port and cultural diversity. However, despite its many attractions, Long Beach is not immune to the devastating effects of substance abuse.

According to the California Department of Public Health’s California Overdose Surveillance Dashboard, Orange County experienced 634 deaths related to opioid overdose in 2022. In the same year, there were 287 opioid overdose-related hospitalizations in Orange County.

The need for substance abuse treatment services in California is evident. Thus, those in need of drug rehab in Long Beach, CA should have access to the help they need to live healthier lives. This is where Laguna Shores Recovery comes in.

Our drug rehab in Dana Point offers hope and healing to California residents and individuals who wish to travel outside of their communities to get help. So, if you are looking for alcohol and drug rehab in Long Beach or nearby, reach out to Laguna Shores Recovery today.

Laguna Shores Recovery is located in Dana Point, California. While we do not offer rehab in Long Beach, we are located approximately 1 hour (50.9 miles) away from Long Beach.

Substance Abuse Treatment Near Long Beach

If you are struggling with a substance use disorder, hope is within reach. With professional treatment and support from Laguna Shores Recovery, you can embark on a journey of healing and leave addiction behind.

Individuals seeking drug rehab in Long Beach will find effective treatment nearby at Laguna Shores. We address a range of substance use disorders, including alcoholism, cocaine addiction, heroin addiction, meth addiction, and prescription drug abuse.

Laguna Shores Recovery offers comprehensive alcohol addiction treatment designed to help individuals overcome alcohol addiction and regain control of their lives. Nestled in a tranquil and supportive setting, Laguna Shores delivers personalized treatment plans tailored to each person’s unique needs.

Our alcohol rehab programs typically combine medical detoxification, therapy sessions, counseling, and support groups. This approach addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of alcohol addiction, empowering clients to achieve long-term sobriety and a healthier lifestyle.

Using a holistic approach that incorporates evidence-based therapies, Laguna Shores Recovery supports individuals in conquering addiction and developing the skills necessary for lasting recovery. With a team of seasoned professionals, we provide guidance, support, and encouragement throughout every step of the journey to sobriety.

Our Dana Point treatment center provides a rehab program for cocaine abuse to help individuals overcome cocaine addiction and reclaim their lives. Located in a tranquil and supportive environment, we provide personalized treatment plans tailored to each person’s unique needs.

Our cocaine rehab programs typically include a range of services such as medical detoxification and therapy sessions. These services address both the physical and psychological aspects of cocaine addiction, empowering clients to achieve long-term sobriety and a healthier lifestyle.

With a holistic approach that combines evidence-based therapies with alternative treatments, Laguna Shores Recovery supports individuals in breaking free from the cycle of addiction and developing the skills necessary for lasting recovery. Our compassionate team of professionals provides guidance, support, and encouragement throughout the recovery process, helping individuals build a foundation for a brighter, drug-free future.

Our heroin rehab in Orange County is designed to help individuals overcome heroin addiction and regain control of their lives. Set in a serene and supportive environment, Laguna Shores creates customized treatment plans to meet each client’s unique needs.

Our heroin rehab programs often include services such as medically supervised detoxification, individual and group therapy, counseling, and support groups. By addressing both the physical dependence and the underlying psychological factors of heroin addiction, we empower individuals to achieve long-term sobriety and improved well-being.

Utilizing a comprehensive approach that combines evidence-based therapies with holistic treatments, Laguna Shores Recovery assists individuals in breaking free from heroin addiction and developing the skills required for lasting recovery. Our dedicated and compassionate team provides guidance, encouragement, and unwavering support throughout the recovery process, helping clients build a healthier future.

Laguna Shores Recovery offers tailored meth rehabilitation programs designed to help individuals overcome meth addiction and regain control of their lives. Our treatment center develops customized plans to address the specific needs of each client. These programs often feature medically supervised detoxification, individual and group therapy sessions, and support groups.

Our holistic approach integrates evidence-based therapies, providing comprehensive support for individuals seeking to break free from methamphetamine addiction and develop the skills needed for lasting recovery. Our team of dedicated and experienced professionals offers guidance, encouragement, and compassionate support throughout the recovery process, helping clients build a solid foundation for a healthier future.

Laguna Shores Recovery has special programs to help people who have trouble with prescription drugs. Our programs are designed to help them stop using these drugs and get their lives back on track. Laguna Shores is a calm and supportive place where we create personalized treatment plans for each person.

Our prescription drug rehab program includes different services like detoxification (helping the body get rid of drugs), living at our center for a while, and talking to therapists. We aim to help with both the physical and emotional reasons why someone might use prescription drugs, so they can feel better and stay drug-free for a long time.

We use a mix of proven therapies and alternative treatments to help people break free from drug use and learn how to live healthy lives. Our caring team of professionals offers support and encouragement throughout the recovery process, helping clients move toward a happier, drug-free future.

Finding Rehab Programs Near Long Beach

Located near Long Beach, California, Laguna Shores Recovery provides comprehensive care for individuals struggling with substance use disorders. Our addiction treatment programs include drug and alcohol detoxification, a residential treatment program, and dual diagnosis treatment.

Our drug and alcohol detox program offers a safe place for people to start their journey to being free from drugs and alcohol. Our team of detoxification specialists is there to help every step of the way. We make sure each person gets the care and support they need.

By managing withdrawal symptoms and keeping a close watch, we ensure everyone is safe and comfortable. Our caring approach helps people begin their recovery with a strong start, setting them up for long-term success.

We provide residential addiction treatment, which gives people an immersive and supportive environment for overcoming substance abuse. Our residential program combines evidence-based therapies, personalized treatment plans, and holistic practices to address the unique needs of each client.

With 24/7 access to a dedicated team of experienced professionals, clients receive continuous care and support, fostering a strong community and promoting lasting recovery. The structured setting of our residential program ensures that individuals can focus entirely on their healing journey, building the skills and resilience needed for sustained sobriety.

Our California treatment center specializes in dual diagnosis treatment, addressing both substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions. Our comprehensive program integrates evidence-based therapies with individualized care plans to effectively manage and treat the complexities of dual diagnosis.

With a dedicated team of experienced clinicians, we provide continuous support and tailored interventions that promote holistic healing. Our dual diagnosis treatment ensures that clients receive the necessary tools and strategies to achieve long-term recovery and improve their overall well-being.

Contact Laguna Shores Recovery Today

If you are looking for addiction treatment near Long Beach, California, reach out to us here at Laguna Shores Recovery. Our Dana Point addiction treatment facility is here to help you overcome the disease of addiction and find healing and recovery. Let us walk beside you today.
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