Drug Rehab Near Newport Beach, CA

Newport Beach, California is a coastal city in the southern area of the state. This area is well known for its harbor, often filled with boats and people enjoying swimming, fishing, surfing, and more! But, despite the liveliness of the city, Newport Beach is no stranger to the deadly effects of substance use disorders.

According to the OC Health Care Agency, about one in six people in Orange County, California report needing support for substance use disorders, mental health challenges, and emotional health struggles. The California Department of Public Health reports that there were 7,385 deaths related to opioid overdose in 2022. There were 21,316 emergency room visits related to opioid overdose.

Individuals who are suffering from substance use disorders in Orange County can receive the help they need from Laguna Shores Recovery in Dana Point. Find drug rehab near Newport Beach, California here at our facility today.

Laguna Shores Recovery is located in Dana Point, California. While we do not offer rehab in Newport Beach, we are located in Dana Point, approximately 35 minutes (28.7 miles) away from Newport Beach.

(Our facility is 36 – 38 minutes away from Newport Beach, CA.)

Substance Abuse Treatment Near Newport Beach

If you are struggling with substance use disorder, there is hope and healing here at Laguna Shores Recovery. Offering drug rehab near Newport Beach, California, our facility offers a safe place where individuals can overcome drug and alcohol abuse and find their way to a new and better way of life.

Here at our Orange County addiction treatment center, we address various types of drug addiction. Some of the addictions we treat include alcohol addiction, cocaine addiction, heroin addiction, meth addiction, and prescription drug abuse.

Individuals seeking alcohol addiction treatment near Newport Beach have access to a range of comprehensive services. Laguna Shores Recovery offers tailored programs encompassing detoxification, residential treatment, outpatient care, and ongoing support.

Laguna Shores provides a supportive environment for individuals to overcome alcohol addiction and achieve lasting sobriety. With a serene coastal setting and a team of experienced professionals, we are dedicated to guiding individuals in Newport Beach toward a life free from the grip of alcohol addiction.

Laguna Shores Recovery, situated near Newport Beach in Orange County, California, offers specialized cocaine addiction treatment programs tailored to address the unique challenges of this substance dependency. With a holistic approach to healing and evidence-based therapies, we provide a supportive environment for individuals to break free from the cycle of cocaine addiction and achieve sustained recovery.

Our comprehensive services encompass detoxification, residential treatment, outpatient programs, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT), offering a continuum of care throughout the recovery journey. With a serene coastal backdrop and a team of dedicated professionals, Laguna Shores Recovery is committed to guiding individuals in Newport Beach toward a life of sobriety and well-being.

Laguna Shores Recovery, nestled near Newport Beach in Orange County, California, offers specialized heroin addiction treatment programs designed to address the complexities of this substance dependency. With a compassionate approach to healing, we provide a supportive environment for individuals to overcome the grips of heroin addiction and embark on a path to lasting recovery.

Our addiction treatment services include detoxification, residential treatment, outpatient programs, and MAT, ensuring a continuum of care tailored to meet the individual needs of each client. We are committed to guiding individuals in Newport Beach toward a life free from the struggles of heroin addiction, offering hope, healing, and a brighter future ahead.

Laguna Shores Recovery, located near Newport Beach in Orange County, California, offers specialized treatment programs for methamphetamine addiction, providing individuals with comprehensive support to overcome the challenges of this substance dependency.

With a holistic and evidence-based approach to healing, Laguna Shores creates a nurturing environment where clients can address the physical, psychological, and emotional aspects of meth addiction. Our services include detoxification, residential treatment, outpatient programs, and medication-assisted treatment. Our treatment center is dedicated to guiding individuals in Newport Beach toward a life of sobriety and renewed well-being, offering hope and empowerment on the journey to recovery.

Laguna Shores Recovery, conveniently located near Newport Beach in Orange County, California, offers specialized treatment programs for prescription drug addiction, providing individuals with personalized support to overcome the challenges of substance dependency.

With a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment, Laguna Shores creates a compassionate environment where clients can address the physical, psychological, and emotional aspects of prescription drug addiction.

Our comprehensive services for prescription drug addiction treatment include detox, residential treatment, and MAT, working to meet each client’s unique needs. We strive to help people achieve a life of sobriety and renewed well-being, offering hope and empowerment on the journey to recovery.

Finding Rehab Programs Near Newport Beach, CA

Laguna Shores Recovery offers various addiction treatment programs near Newport Beach, California. Our programs include detox, residential treatment, medication-assisted treatment, and dual diagnosis treatment.

Laguna Shores Recovery, conveniently located near Newport Beach in Orange County, California, offers specialized drug and alcohol detoxification programs to support individuals in safely and comfortably withdrawing from substances.

With a focus on personalized care and medical supervision, Laguna Shores provides a comprehensive detoxification process that addresses the physical, psychological, and emotional aspects of withdrawal. Our experienced medical team utilizes evidence-based protocols and compassionate support to help clients navigate the detoxification phase with minimized discomfort and risk.

We offer a comprehensive residential treatment program tailored to address various substance addictions and mental health disorders. With a serene coastal backdrop and a compassionate team of professionals, Laguna Shores provides a supportive and therapeutic environment for individuals seeking intensive care and rehabilitation.

Residential addiction treatment enables people to live at our rehab center for the duration of their treatment. This provides a safe, substance-free environment where people can focus on their recovery and have access to around-the-clock medical care and recovery support.

Our residential treatment program encompasses a range of evidence-based therapies, holistic approaches, and personalized treatment plans, ensuring that each client receives the individualized care they need to achieve lasting recovery.

Our specialized medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program supports individuals in their journey toward recovery from substance use disorders. With a holistic approach that combines medication with counseling and behavioral therapies, Laguna Shores provides a comprehensive and evidence-based treatment model for those struggling with addiction.

Our MAT program is tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring safe and effective management of withdrawal symptoms and cravings while addressing the underlying factors contributing to addiction. With a compassionate team of professionals and a commitment to individualized care, we are dedicated to guiding individuals near Newport Beach toward lasting sobriety and improved overall well-being.

Many people who suffer from addiction also have co-occurring mental health disorders. This is why Laguna Shores Recovery provides integrated dual diagnosis treatment programs. We strive to address both substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions with a compassionate and comprehensive approach.

Laguna Shores offers personalized treatment plans that combine evidence-based therapies, medication management, and holistic modalities to address the unique needs of individuals facing dual diagnosis challenges. Our team is dedicated to providing a supportive and therapeutic environment where clients can heal and recover from both addiction and mental health issues simultaneously.

Through a combination of medical care, psychotherapy, and life skills training, we strive to empower individuals near Newport Beach to achieve long-term sobriety and improved mental wellness, paving the way for a brighter and healthier future.

Contact Laguna Shores Recovery Today

If you have been looking for treatment near Newport Beach, California, look no further than Laguna Shores Recovery. Located in Dana Point, California, our addiction recovery center is here to help those who are struggling with substance use disorders and mental health challenges. We are committed to walking with our patients on the road to recovery, providing guidance and healing along the way.

Today is the day for you to make a change in your life. You don’t have to struggle or suffer at the hands of addiction any longer. Now is the time to begin pursuing the freedom you deserve. Contact our admissions team today and start traveling down the road to lasting recovery and hope.

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