Seasonal depression is often relegated to just being the winter blues, but the truth is it’s far more nuanced than that. Seasonal depression is a very real condition that affects a plethora of individuals throughout…

Addiction is a disease where relapse is very common. While cravings and triggers in addiction recovery are unique, it is normal to experience cravings for drugs or alcohol after long-term use. However, when you experience…

We love our pets. Animals have been known to save lives in all sorts of ways. Sometimes just being there, a pet can save a person. Pets are not just cute and fun but have been…

Therapy can be a valuable tool for those in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD). There are many different therapeutic approaches, from psychoanalysis to humanistic therapy, and choosing the one that's right for you can…

The distinct connection between addiction and suicide is among the most vital topics of discussion throughout September’s suicide awareness month. Rightfully so, considering the reports that suggest nearly 60% of all suicides are related to…

We all know or have at least heard about someone who was addicted to drugs or alcohol. Substance use disorders, alcohol use disorders, and mental health issues are growing at an alarming rate year by…

People recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) or persistent mental health issues benefit from the support of friends and family. Partner support is critical during early recovery. According to Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, "[S]upportive…

The four modules of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) can be essential parts of your treatment for addiction and recovery. A decline in mental health can often lead to mental health disorders, which can coincide and…

Eating a balanced, nutrient-dense diet is important for everyone, but it can be especially crucial for those in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD). However, “diet culture” is full of bland, boring foods that don't…

Home detox kits are sold across the internet and are rising in popularity among addicts. However, they pose a significant risk to those who use them. But what are home detox kits and the dangers…

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