Rebuilding Your Life After Addiction

Do you realize the need to rebuild your life after deciding to enter a recovery program? Do you wonder what it looks like to embark on this rebuilding journey? The word “rebuild” may indicate a big project, and in some ways, it is. From managing your cravings to use to healing the social relationships that went through challenges, every step of this journey may seem daunting.

However, you are finally free from a life that proved not to be sustainable. You are now entering into a new lifestyle that determinedly parts ways from drugs and alcohol. However, many factors in real life can make rebuilding your life debilitating and disorienting. Luckily, with time and patience to adjust, you can become a productive member of society.

Rebuilding Your Confidence

Addiction may have taken a toll on your self-esteem and self-image. These emotional insecurities may also trigger you to use again. Reinventing yourself as a recovering addict often means finding the confidence to be yourself. 

In order to do this, you can use affirmations and practice kindness towards yourself. For example, write an affirmation on a sticky note each morning about how you appreciate yourself. An affirmation may look something like, “I am really happy with my body today.” 

This simple exercise can help transform negative self-talk into a more compassionate and optimistic view of self. Meanwhile, avoid being too harsh on yourself. Try to tolerate or even give a good laugh at your mistakes. Be aware that you are in a slow healing process from addiction-induced low esteem.

Spreading Kindness 

Now that you are in recovery, you have the opportunity to practice doing something kind every day. Spreading kindness can help stabilize your new, positive behaviors. 

For example, try to do a good deed for others every day without the other person finding out. Unrepaid favors are the best kind. Such behaviors can help boost your sense of purpose as a member of society. 

Another easily actionable good deed is to express appreciation to others around you. You don’t have to be too lavish or artificial about it, but words of praise and actions of inclusion may pass on the good energy to others and back to yourself.

Creating a New Social Circle

After coming out of addiction, you also need to rebuild your social life. This includes developing new hobbies, making new friends, and forming healthier relationships. It also requires avoiding certain places, events, and groups of people that might trigger or entice you into using again. 

Put Your Recovery First

If you are someone who is always forward-looking, it is okay to dream big about your life after addiction. With a vision, you will be better motivated. However, your primary goals should always be to put your sobriety first and avoid relapse. All your activities need to center around this primary mission. 

You should remind yourself of this goal whenever there is a craving surfacing. Temptations are real, and they can be scary at times. This vision of staying sober is not only a goal but also a commitment to yourself and your loved ones. 

Creating Goals After Treatment

Finishing treatment and having a goal of staying sober is worth celebrating, but you should not be carried away by this temporary success. If this journey is compared to warfare, the battle is still ongoing. You need to focus and stay vigilant. 

Recovery is going to be a steady, slow, and lifelong process. However, it is essential to remember that this journey will not define who you are. The character you demonstrate on this journey and your commitment to your loved ones will determine who you are.

Because it takes time, planning, and patience to achieve full recovery, you need to break down your goals into smaller, manageable pieces. Some goals you may create for yourself can include: 

  • Remove all drug or alcohol-related items from your home or office
  • Get a new phone and only store contacts who are healthy non-users
  • Join a local recovery support group, like a 12-Step program
  • Find a recovery sponsor who can commit to checking on your progress
  • Restore relationships that once wanted to pull you out of addiction
  • Explore new hobbies and build them into your weekly schedule
  • Commit to positive self-image messaging every day
  • Continue to work on your unique relationships and seek mental health professionals who offer relationship skills training

Being of Service to Others in Recovery 

When rebuilding who you are after struggling with addiction, you can also consider helping others who are fresh out of treatment navigate the first year. Being a mentor who has gone through that phase of transition and adaptation can not only be of help to others but will also strengthen your resilience and stamina. 

Being of service to others is also an excellent way to embrace more accountability on your side. By then, resources such as treatment centers, support groups, helpful sponsors are already at your fingertips, and you can connect people to these resources.

Are you ready to rebuild your life? Do you wonder what it requires of you in the short-term and long-term? Are you concerned about relapsing? Then the time to get help is today. At Laguna Shores Recovery, we help you develop healthy relationships with yourself and others to rebuild trust within your relationships. Our approach to care consists of both conventional and alternative treatments and therapies to ensure that you are getting the appropriate care. You will find these very helpful in supporting you towards long-term recovery goals and facing life’s everyday challenges. Our tailor-made recovery plans will help you move at your pace and with the best chance for success. Remember, your journey to recovery begins the day you act to get help. To find out more, call Laguna Shores today at 954-688-5806, and our experienced staff can help you learn how to live life as a recovering addict.

Rebuilding Your Life After Addiction

Do you realize the need to rebuild your life after deciding to enter a recovery program? Do you wonder what it looks like to embark on this rebuilding journey? The word “rebuild” may indicate a big project, and in some ways, it is. From managing your cravings to use to healing the social relationships that went through challenges, every step of this journey may seem daunting.

However, you are finally free from a life that proved not to be sustainable. You are now entering into a new lifestyle that determinedly parts ways from drugs and alcohol. However, many factors in real life can make rebuilding your life debilitating and disorienting. Luckily, with time and patience to adjust, you can become a productive member of society.

Rebuilding Your Confidence

Addiction may have taken a toll on your self-esteem and self-image. These emotional insecurities may also trigger you to use again. Reinventing yourself as a recovering addict often means finding the confidence to be yourself. 

In order to do this, you can use affirmations and practice kindness towards yourself. For example, write an affirmation on a sticky note each morning about how you appreciate yourself. An affirmation may look something like, “I am really happy with my body today.” 

This simple exercise can help transform negative self-talk into a more compassionate and optimistic view of self. Meanwhile, avoid being too harsh on yourself. Try to tolerate or even give a good laugh at your mistakes. Be aware that you are in a slow healing process from addiction-induced low esteem.

Spreading Kindness 

Now that you are in recovery, you have the opportunity to practice doing something kind every day. Spreading kindness can help stabilize your new, positive behaviors. 

For example, try to do a good deed for others every day without the other person finding out. Unrepaid favors are the best kind. Such behaviors can help boost your sense of purpose as a member of society. 

Another easily actionable good deed is to express appreciation to others around you. You don’t have to be too lavish or artificial about it, but words of praise and actions of inclusion may pass on the good energy to others and back to yourself.

Creating a New Social Circle

After coming out of addiction, you also need to rebuild your social life. This includes developing new hobbies, making new friends, and forming healthier relationships. It also requires avoiding certain places, events, and groups of people that might trigger or entice you into using again. 

Put Your Recovery First

If you are someone who is always forward-looking, it is okay to dream big about your life after addiction. With a vision, you will be better motivated. However, your primary goals should always be to put your sobriety first and avoid relapse. All your activities need to center around this primary mission. 

You should remind yourself of this goal whenever there is a craving surfacing. Temptations are real, and they can be scary at times. This vision of staying sober is not only a goal but also a commitment to yourself and your loved ones. 

Creating Goals After Treatment

Finishing treatment and having a goal of staying sober is worth celebrating, but you should not be carried away by this temporary success. If this journey is compared to warfare, the battle is still ongoing. You need to focus and stay vigilant. 

Recovery is going to be a steady, slow, and lifelong process. However, it is essential to remember that this journey will not define who you are. The character you demonstrate on this journey and your commitment to your loved ones will determine who you are.

Because it takes time, planning, and patience to achieve full recovery, you need to break down your goals into smaller, manageable pieces. Some goals you may create for yourself can include: 

  • Remove all drug or alcohol-related items from your home or office
  • Get a new phone and only store contacts who are healthy non-users
  • Join a local recovery support group, like a 12-Step program
  • Find a recovery sponsor who can commit to checking on your progress
  • Restore relationships that once wanted to pull you out of addiction
  • Explore new hobbies and build them into your weekly schedule
  • Commit to positive self-image messaging every day
  • Continue to work on your unique relationships and seek mental health professionals who offer relationship skills training

Being of Service to Others in Recovery 

When rebuilding who you are after struggling with addiction, you can also consider helping others who are fresh out of treatment navigate the first year. Being a mentor who has gone through that phase of transition and adaptation can not only be of help to others but will also strengthen your resilience and stamina. 

Being of service to others is also an excellent way to embrace more accountability on your side. By then, resources such as treatment centers, support groups, helpful sponsors are already at your fingertips, and you can connect people to these resources.

Are you ready to rebuild your life? Do you wonder what it requires of you in the short-term and long-term? Are you concerned about relapsing? Then the time to get help is today. At Laguna Shores Recovery, we help you develop healthy relationships with yourself and others to rebuild trust within your relationships. Our approach to care consists of both conventional and alternative treatments and therapies to ensure that you are getting the appropriate care. You will find these very helpful in supporting you towards long-term recovery goals and facing life’s everyday challenges. Our tailor-made recovery plans will help you move at your pace and with the best chance for success. Remember, your journey to recovery begins the day you act to get help. To find out more, call Laguna Shores today at 954-688-5806, and our experienced staff can help you learn how to live life as a recovering addict.

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