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Maintaining Motivation During Recovery

Maintaining Motivation During Recovery

For people who are going through addiction recovery, motivation is an irreplaceable engine. In fact, many recovery centers interview new clients about the sources of their motivation for starting treatment. Therapists and counselors probe into this area because motivation is critically important for recovery. During treatment and recovery, your level of motivation may not always

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a depressed man sitting outside

What is the Wall Stage in Recovery?

Scientists and counselors often used a life course paradigm to categorize the entire spectrum of recovery into five stages: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. However, within the action stage, when you enter into treatment, this part of recovery can also break down into four additional stages: withdrawal, honeymoon, the wall, and adjustment.  Among these,

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memory loss

How Does the Brain Heal After Recovery?

Drugs and alcohol affect the brain’s neurological pathways. Further, addiction is considered a brain disease. Like injury done by other chronic diseases, the physiological damage of the brain by substance addiction is indisputable. Therefore, you might wonder, can it be cured? The good news is, yes.  Neuroplasticity allows the brain to reorganize synaptic connections and

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relaxing on the rooftop

How to Understand the Relationship Between Rock Bottom and Addiction?

In our daily language, “hitting rock bottom” means reaching your lowest point. In the area of addiction and recovery, “rock bottom” may refer to a moment when you have come to your rope’s end as a result of your substance use habits. You might experience thoughts such as,  “my life is totally out of my

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