What Does Wellness Look Like with a Mental Health Disorder?

Wellness means being healthy in many dimensions of your life, including the physical, emotional, social, occupational, and financial spheres. These different aspects are interconnected, therefore wellness means you are balanced and functioning in all these areas. Focusing on any one of these areas at the expense of another may not bring about ideal outcomes.

Wellness looks different for each person. Although people often understand the term “recovery” in the clinical sense, recovery is a personal journey that varies from individual to individual. For people with mental health disorders, wellness does not mean “symptom-free.” It might mean managing your mental illness well enough to live a self-directed, meaningful, and enjoyable life.

What Does a Balanced Life Mean?

Balance is key to wellness. Depending on your circumstances, finding balance may mean focusing on one aspect more than others—without allowing the others to slip—so that you feel happy and fulfilled. Balance entails managing work, leisure, regular rest, socializing with family and friends, intimate relationships, community service, and regular exercise in proper proportion. Lacking any of these parts may tip the scales too heavily in one direction and cause imbalance.

Because everybody has different abilities, preferences, needs, and time management, a balanced life can look different from person to person. Society demands a lot from you, and you may often overdo tasks in certain areas while ignoring others. When you get the feeling that part of your life is out of control, it might be a warning sign that your life is losing balance. The most important thing is to be vigilant about each area and make adjustments when you need to re-calibrate.

Adjustments often have to do with changing routines and habits. They are shaped by demands, stress, and crises. To achieve a sense of balance in life, you must examine your routines and habits to see if they need to be adjusted. Developing healthier routines and habits can almost always lead to more emotional and relational satisfaction.

What Are the Myths About People With Mental Health Disorders?

The most common types of mental health disorders include anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction-related compulsions, eating disorders, personality disorders, and psychotic disorders. For people with these mental illnesses, wellness may look a bit different than for those without. The World Health Organization defines “mental wellness” as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to his or her community.” Medical experts identify three components of mental health: emotional, psychological, and social well-being. When you suffer from a mental illness, it can be difficult to check everything off these lists.

There are many commonly held myths about people with mental health issues. For example, some think that people with mental health disorders may act unpredictably or even violently. This misconception has led to the stigmatization of people with mental health disorders. Statistics show that most of them are not violent, and only 3% to 5% of violent acts can be attributed to those with mental illnesses. There is still a lot of stigmas attached to mental health disorders, and everyone must do their part to dispel these myths.

Another myth holds that there is little to no hope for people with mental health to recover from them and therapy is a waste of time. The fact that this is a myth cannot be stressed enough. This assumption is not born of real statistics. Many people with mental health issues can recover through a variety of treatment plans. Although recovery and wellness may look different for them, their overall quality of life can improve. Many people recovering from mental health issues can actively serve in their communities.

Can People With Mental Health Disorders Live a Balanced Life?

People with mental health disorders can achieve wellness in their emotional satisfaction, self-affirmation, and positive social functioning. Although mental health disorders usually do not go away on their own and cannot always be cured, most of them are treatable. Because mental health issues are closely related to other dimensions of life, treatments for mental illnesses often include a combination of strategies: medications, lifestyle coaching, support groups, and therapy.

Personal recovery includes living a self-directed life, having a positive self-image, maintaining hopeful expectations for the future, engaging in an enriching social life, finding stability with ongoing treatment, feeling a sense of belonging in the local community, and successfully managing your emotions. As long as you make progress in these areas, you are on the way to achieving long-lasting recovery.

Wellness may look different for everyone, especially for those who struggle with mental health disorders. You do not need to feel overwhelmed by striving for perfection in recovery. You can embrace your path toward recovery on your own time and with your own expectations. Because recovery requires education and exploration, it is always good to consult with a recovery professional. If you or a loved one is struggling with despair over mental health recovery, it is time to seek professional help. At Laguna Shores Recovery, our licensed mental healthcare professionals and therapists have worked with many people who benefited from programs like the 12-step support group, cognitive-behavioral therapies, and other mental health-related counseling programs. Our full medical facility also offers custom treatment plans, including medical treatment, addiction treatment, and relationship skills coaching. We believe in a holistic approach and are committed to serving your needs. Call us at 954-688-5806

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What Does Wellness Look Like with a Mental Health Disorder?

Wellness means being healthy in many dimensions of your life, including the physical, emotional, social, occupational, and financial spheres. These different aspects are interconnected, therefore wellness means you are balanced and functioning in all these areas. Focusing on any one of these areas at the expense of another may not bring about ideal outcomes.

Wellness looks different for each person. Although people often understand the term “recovery” in the clinical sense, recovery is a personal journey that varies from individual to individual. For people with mental health disorders, wellness does not mean “symptom-free.” It might mean managing your mental illness well enough to live a self-directed, meaningful, and enjoyable life.

What Does a Balanced Life Mean?

Balance is key to wellness. Depending on your circumstances, finding balance may mean focusing on one aspect more than others—without allowing the others to slip—so that you feel happy and fulfilled. Balance entails managing work, leisure, regular rest, socializing with family and friends, intimate relationships, community service, and regular exercise in proper proportion. Lacking any of these parts may tip the scales too heavily in one direction and cause imbalance.

Because everybody has different abilities, preferences, needs, and time management, a balanced life can look different from person to person. Society demands a lot from you, and you may often overdo tasks in certain areas while ignoring others. When you get the feeling that part of your life is out of control, it might be a warning sign that your life is losing balance. The most important thing is to be vigilant about each area and make adjustments when you need to re-calibrate.

Adjustments often have to do with changing routines and habits. They are shaped by demands, stress, and crises. To achieve a sense of balance in life, you must examine your routines and habits to see if they need to be adjusted. Developing healthier routines and habits can almost always lead to more emotional and relational satisfaction.

What Are the Myths About People With Mental Health Disorders?

The most common types of mental health disorders include anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction-related compulsions, eating disorders, personality disorders, and psychotic disorders. For people with these mental illnesses, wellness may look a bit different than for those without. The World Health Organization defines “mental wellness” as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to his or her community.” Medical experts identify three components of mental health: emotional, psychological, and social well-being. When you suffer from a mental illness, it can be difficult to check everything off these lists.

There are many commonly held myths about people with mental health issues. For example, some think that people with mental health disorders may act unpredictably or even violently. This misconception has led to the stigmatization of people with mental health disorders. Statistics show that most of them are not violent, and only 3% to 5% of violent acts can be attributed to those with mental illnesses. There is still a lot of stigmas attached to mental health disorders, and everyone must do their part to dispel these myths.

Another myth holds that there is little to no hope for people with mental health to recover from them and therapy is a waste of time. The fact that this is a myth cannot be stressed enough. This assumption is not born of real statistics. Many people with mental health issues can recover through a variety of treatment plans. Although recovery and wellness may look different for them, their overall quality of life can improve. Many people recovering from mental health issues can actively serve in their communities.

Can People With Mental Health Disorders Live a Balanced Life?

People with mental health disorders can achieve wellness in their emotional satisfaction, self-affirmation, and positive social functioning. Although mental health disorders usually do not go away on their own and cannot always be cured, most of them are treatable. Because mental health issues are closely related to other dimensions of life, treatments for mental illnesses often include a combination of strategies: medications, lifestyle coaching, support groups, and therapy.

Personal recovery includes living a self-directed life, having a positive self-image, maintaining hopeful expectations for the future, engaging in an enriching social life, finding stability with ongoing treatment, feeling a sense of belonging in the local community, and successfully managing your emotions. As long as you make progress in these areas, you are on the way to achieving long-lasting recovery.

Wellness may look different for everyone, especially for those who struggle with mental health disorders. You do not need to feel overwhelmed by striving for perfection in recovery. You can embrace your path toward recovery on your own time and with your own expectations. Because recovery requires education and exploration, it is always good to consult with a recovery professional. If you or a loved one is struggling with despair over mental health recovery, it is time to seek professional help. At Laguna Shores Recovery, our licensed mental healthcare professionals and therapists have worked with many people who benefited from programs like the 12-step support group, cognitive-behavioral therapies, and other mental health-related counseling programs. Our full medical facility also offers custom treatment plans, including medical treatment, addiction treatment, and relationship skills coaching. We believe in a holistic approach and are committed to serving your needs. Call us at 954-688-5806

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